Torchbearer updates and Asbury Park
Greetings everyone,
To say that things have been quiet on this site would be an understatement, I think. Our silence
3 min read

Updates, and notes on making comics during the Great Recession
Greetings everyone,
As you’ve noticed, we’ve recently had to scale back on the frequency of updates regarding the
4 min read

Happy New... wait, what day is this?
Greetings everyone,
First off, Happy New Year! Yes, it’s 17 days late, but better late than never, right?
3 min read

Torchbearer 6 updates and the role of a series bible in comics
Wherein we discuss the role of a series bible in comic book production.
5 min read

NYCC 2013 Recap, part 2: Long overdue
Greetings everyone,
Better late than never, I always say. In the month after NYCC 2013, I’ve had some time
9 min read