Greetings everyone,
Pardon our silence, but it’s been some very interesting months, gearing up to our last, but certainly not least comic-con at New York Comic Con. To say that we’re excited is, well… putting it mildly. Scared might be more appropriate, but we’re sticking with excited 🙂 We’re doing our best to make our showing at NYCC 2014 is both memorable and kicks ass, while at the same time brings in a taste of the world of Torchbearer.
We also have finalized the signing schedule for both Michael Montenat and Dennis Calero, and we’re so excited about it! The schedule is as follows
Dennis Calero
- Friday: 12 pm – 2 pm
Michael Montenat
- Saturday: 4:00pm – 5:00pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Aside from the schedule, we’re focusing most of our attention to our booth. Why? Well, suffice to say that an LED video display takes time to build. Combine that with a modular, open layout booth, a remote video streaming source and some VR demos on the Oculus Rift*, and you’ll see why we’re so (freaking out right now) super excited for this year NYCC!
*(We're working hard to get the Oculus Rift demos in place. We can't guarantee it, however. Sorry!)
And now, updates.
First off, we’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Transparent Frog Films in their latest short, “A Bad Luck Guy in a Bad Luck Town“. We’re serving as associate producers and we are loving it. We met Kyle Johannessen, the film’s writer and director, over at Boston Comic Con, and his drive, ethics and most important, the story, compelled us to financially contribute to this project. We highly recommend you head over to their Facebook page for further updates.
It’s actually very interesting to see how Transparent Frog Films has ran their media campaign for A Bad Luck Guy. There’s plenty for us (and everyone) to learn from it. For us (and me personally), it provides us with another stepping stone further into the entertainment industry, and one from which we can learn without necessarily going through the whole process of creating a media property.
Still, we’re beaming with excitement over here!
Second, Torchbearer updates.
We’re done with pencils for Torchbearer #7. Here’s some previews of them!

We’re proud to have Don Walker take over the pencils for issue 7! His style, we feel, complements the issue greatly and I think all of you will appreciate it once you have the issue in your hands.
Now, we know we have slacked on our schedule, and I do have to apologize for that. However, we’re reworking things such that we will stay on schedule for our December book release. This will, however, affect our digital release schedule (most likely 7 will be released first, followed by 8 and 9 at the same time). We’re almost through the end of the first year in Torchbearer. I have to say, it’s been a hell of a ride, but once we reach issue 12 we’re reconsidering our strategy. We CANNOT proceed as things have gone right now. Our output has been too inconsistent, and it’s just not right to everyone involved. If the full trade (issues 1-12) is well received, we’ll certainly make arrangements so that we can release on a monthly schedule. But that’s a conversation to shelve until May of next year.
In any case, Torchbearer #8 is being edited as we speak and about to start production, Torchbearer #9 is outlined and we’re about to start writing the script, and Torchbearer #10 and #11 are a two-part story, so that’ll be interesting.
We do not speak about issue #12, not until it’s time.
That’s all for now. We’re going to be working completely on NYCC until next week, which means we won’t be around for another 2 weeks. Yes, I still have a blog post due about the financials of comic-cons, and given the recent outcry over how comic-cons haven’t been profitable for an number of reasons, I think it’ll be appreciated.
Hope to see as many of you at NYCC ! Come by, grab a book, take a picture!
See you next week (in person) and if not, until next time.
-Nick D.