torchbearer Updates: Torchbearer Vol. 0.5, Asbury Park and C2E2 Greetings everyone, We’ve been busy these past few weeks. First, we’ve finished publishing our second trade, Vol 0. Nicolas Dedual May 5, 2014 4 min read
torchbearer Everyone's a critic Wherein we discuss how to handle criticism. Nicolas Dedual Apr 10, 2014 3 min read
torchbearer Torchbearer updates and Asbury Park Greetings everyone, To say that things have been quiet on this site would be an understatement, I think. Our silence Nicolas Dedual Apr 9, 2014 3 min read
News Updates, and notes on making comics during the Great Recession Greetings everyone, As you’ve noticed, we’ve recently had to scale back on the frequency of updates regarding the Nicolas Dedual Feb 9, 2014 4 min read
News Happy New... wait, what day is this? Greetings everyone, First off, Happy New Year! Yes, it’s 17 days late, but better late than never, right? With Nicolas Dedual Jan 17, 2014 3 min read
torchbearer Torchbearer 6 updates and the role of a series bible in comics Wherein we discuss the role of a series bible in comic book production. Nicolas Dedual Dec 12, 2013 5 min read